Monica Riordan, Ph.D.

Professor of Psychology
Hometown: St. Louis, MO
Joined Chatham: 2012
Computer-Mediated Communication, Alignment/Coordination, Cognition
- Ph.D, University of Memphis (Memphis, TN), 2011
- M.S., University of Memphis (Memphis, TN), 2008
- B.A. in Psychology, University of Missouri-Columbia (Columbia, MO), 2007
- B.A. in Sociology, University of Missouri-Columbia (Columbia, MO), 2007
- Glikson, E. & Riordan, M. A. (2024). Beneficial outcomes of (appropriate) nonverbal displays of negative affect in virtual teams. Computers in Human Behavior.
- Riordan, M. A. & Glikson, E. (2020). On the hazards of the technology age: How using emojis affects perceptions of leaders. International Journal of Business Communication.
- Riordan, M. A. & Glikson, E. (2020). On the hazards of the technology age: How using emojis affects perceptions of leaders. International Journal of Business Communication.
- Riordan, M. A., Abo-Zebiba, Z., & Marsh, J. (2020). A comparison of multimedia and traditional paper assignments in an introductory psychology course. Teaching of Psychology
- Riordan, M. A., Johnson, A. A., & Kreuz, R. J. (upcoming). Communicating affect: Face-to-face and online. In M. Filimowicz & V. Tzankova (Eds.), Reimagining communication (volume 2): Experience. London: Routledge.
- Kreuz, R. J., & Riordan, M. A. (2018). The art of transcription: Systems and methodological issues. In A. H. Jucker, K. P. Schneider, & W. Bublitz (Eds.), Methods in pragmatics. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Riordan, M. A., Kreuz, R. J., & Blair, A. N. (2018). The digital divide: Conveying subtlety in online communication. Journal of Computers in Education, 5, 49-66. doi: 10.1007/s40692-018-0100-
- Riordan, M. A. (2017). The communicative role of non-face emojis: Affect and disambiguation. Computers in Human Behavior. doi: 10.1016/j.chb.2017.07.009
- Riordan, M. A. (2017). Emojis as tools for emotion work: Communicating affect in text messages. Journal of Language and Social Psychology. doi: 10.1177/0261927X17704238
- Riordan, M. A. & Trichtinger, L. A. (2017). Overconfidence at the keyboard: Confidence and accuracy in interpreting affect in email exchanges. Human Communication Research, 43, 1-24. doi: 10.1111/hcre.12093
- Riordan, M. A., Kreuz, R. J., & Olney, A. M. (2014). Alignment is a function of conversational dynamics. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 33, 465-481. doi: 10.1177/0261927X13512306
- Kreuz, R. J., & Riordan, M. A. (2014). Exaggeration. In S. Attardo (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Humor Studies, volume 1 (pp. 222-224). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Kovaz, D., Kreuz, R. J., & Riordan, M. A. (2013). Distinguishing sarcasm from literal language: Evidence from books and blogging. Discourse Processes, 50, 598-615. doi: 10.1080/0163853X.2013.849525
- Riordan, M. A., Markman, K. M., & Stewart, C. O. (2013). Communication accommodation in instant messaging: An examination of temporal convergence. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 32.
- Cornell, P. T., Riordan, M. A., Townsend-Gervis, M., & Mobley, R. (2011). Barriers to critical thinking: Workflow interruptions and task switching among nurses. Journal of Nursing Administration, 41, 407-414.
- Riordan, M. A., Dale, R., Kreuz, R. J., & Olney, A. (2011). Evidence for alignment in a computer-mediated text-only environment. In L. Carlson, C. Hoelscher, & T.F. Shipley (Eds.), Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society (pp. 2411-2416). Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
- Kreuz, R. J., & Riordan, M. A. (2011). The transcription of face-to-face interaction. In W. Bublitz & N. Norrick (Eds.), Foundations of Pragmatics (pp. 657-679). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter.
- Cornell, P. T., Riordan, M. A., & Herrin, D. (2010). Transforming nursing workflow, part 2: The impact of technology on nurse activities. Journal of Nursing Administration, 40, 432-439.
- Riordan, M. A., & Kreuz, R. J. (2010). Cues in computer-mediated communication: A corpus analysis. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1806-1817.
- Riordan, M. A., & Kreuz, R. J. (2010). Emotion encoding and interpretation in computer-mediated communication: Reasons for use. Computers in Human Behavior, 26, 1667-1673.
- Bartholow, B. D., Riordan, M. A., Saults, J. S., & Lust, S. A. (2009). Psychophysiological evidence of response conflict and strategic control of responses in affective priming. Journal of Experimental and Social Psychology, 45, 655-666.
- Riordan, M. A. & Glikson, E. (2023, June). I’m sorry 😔: Is authenticity of a virtual apology affected by an emoji? The Society for Text and Discourse 33rd annual meeting, Oslo, Norway.
- Glikson, E. & Riordan, M. A. (2023, May). The positive implications of using negative GIFs: What social information can be communicated by using non-facial GIFs? The Consortium of European Research on Emotion 9th annual meeting, Haifa, Israel.
- Riordan, M. A. & Glikson, E. (2023, April). The impact of emojis and GIFs on perceptions of workplace chat messages: Emotional intensity and relationship warmth. The Eastern Communication Association 114th annual meeting, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Riordan, M. A. & Glikson, E. (2022, November). Texting for help: Using GIFs increases empathic concern. The Psychonomics Society 61st annual meeting, Boston, Massachusetts.Riordan, M. A. & Glikson, E. (November, 2020). Leaders appear more likeable when they use emojis– as long as the emoji use is appropriate. Presented at the 61st annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society. [Virtual]
- Cole, S., Ferrer, A., & Riordan, M. A. (November, 2020). Political divisiveness on Facebook and Twitter: A linguistic analysis. Presented at the 106th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, Indiana. [Virtual]
- Knudson, F. & Riordan, M. A. (November, 2020). Facial dissatisfaction prompts selfie-editing behavior, leading to appearance modification attempts. Presented at the 106th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Indianapolis, Indiana. [Virtual]
- Cole, S., Ferrer, A., & Riordan, M. A. (April, 2020). Technology in the age of Trump: Political discourse is shaped by social media. To be presented at the 111th annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Glikson, E. & Riordan, M. A. (January, 2020). The effect of using emoji on perceived leadership effectiveness. Presented at the 5th annual meeting of the Israel Organizational Behavior Conference, Tel Aviv, Israel.
- Riordan, M. A. & Glikson, E. (November, 2019). On the hazards of the technology age: How using emojis affects perceptions of leaders. Presented at the 105th annual meeting of the National Communication Association, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Riordan, M. A. (November, 2018). Emoji use does not predict relational closeness. Presented at the 59th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, New Orleans, Louisiana.
- Riordan, M. A. (April, 2018). How much does age really matter? Online communication and the digital divide. Presented at the 109th annual meeting of the Eastern Communication Association, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
- Riordan, M. A. (March, 2018). Speaking in tongues: Emojis as a universal language. Invited talk at the Society for Personality and Social Psychology preconference, Atlanta, Georgia.
- Riordan, M. A. (November, 2017). Non-face emojis disambiguate text messages. Presented at the 58th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society, Vancouver, Canada.
- Riordan, M. A. (November, 2016). Emojis make you appear happier. Presented at the 57th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Boston, Massachusetts.
- Riordan, M. A. & Trichtinger, L. A. (November, 2015). Relational and contextual effects on the confidence and accuracy of interpreting affect in email exchanges. Presented at the 101st annual meeting of the National Communication Association in Las Vegas, Nevada.
- Kovaz, D. M., Riordan, M. A., Trichtinger, L., & Kreuz, R. J. (November, 2014). The effects of cooperation and relationship status on alignment in conversation. Presented at the 55th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Long Beach, California.
- Kreuz, R. J., Blair, A. N., & Riordan, M. A. (August, 2014). Digital immigrants evaluate text messages differently than digital natives. Presented at the 24th annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse in Chicago, Illinois.
- Kovaz, D., Kreuz, R. J., & Riordan, M. A. (November, 2013). “That’s ur opinion”: Alignment and agreement in computer-mediated communication. Presented at the 54th annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Toronto, Canada.
- Riordan, M. A., Kreuz, R. J., & Olney, A. (November, 2012). Alignment is a Function of Conversational and Relational Dynamics. Presentation at the 53rd annual meeting of the Psychonomic Society in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Riordan, M. A., & Kreuz, R. J. (May, 2012). The communicative efficacy of email: The effect of situation and interpersonal context. Paper presented at the 2nd annual meeting of the Midwest Cognitive Science Conference in Bloomington, Indiana.
- Riordan, M.A. (February, 2012). Socializing via email: How are you feeling today? Invited talk at the Experimental Psychology Brownbag Talk Series in Memphis, Tennessee
- Riordan, M. A. (February, 2012). The art of communicating through computers: Encoding and interpreting messages in text-only environments. Honorary speaker at the 42nd annual meeting of the Mid-South Conference on Communicative Disorders in Memphis, Tennessee.
- Riordan, M. A., & Kreuz, R. J. (August, 2011). Expressing emotion online: What we've got here is a failure to communicate. Paper presented at the 17th annual meeting of the Cognitive Science Association for Interdisciplinary Learning in Hood River, Oregon.
- Riordan, M. A. & Markman, K. M. (July, 2011). Structural accommodation in persuasive instant messaging conversations. Paper presented at the 21st annual meeting of the Society for Text and Discourse in Poitiers, France.
- Riordan, M. A., & Kreuz, R. J. (April, 2010). Emotion expression online. In C. O. Stewart (Chair), Discursive management of potentially problematic communication. Paper presented at the 80th annual meeting of the Southern States Communication Association, Memphis, Tennessee.