Gina Zanardelli, Ph.D.

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Joined Chatham: 2009
Career Development particularly for underserved groups, Thriving/well-being and burnout at work; Anti-racism in mental health
When we meet someone, one of the first questions we ask is, "What do you do?" My answer: I teach, I focus on diversity, social justice, career development & well-being. I love it. I have loved teaching since I was a swim instructor in high school. Now, I teach a variety of classes, including Practicum, Ethics, Psychology of Culture & Identity. I have taught Vocational/Career Counseling, Organizational and Community Consultation, and Professional Integration. My research focuses on career development issues related to underserved populations, connection of anti-racism to psychology/provision of mental health services, and the connection between work and well-being. Finally, while work can help provide meaning, self-care and balance are important too. In my free time, I run, bicycle, bake, and travel (or sometimes just sit on the couch and watch TV). In pandemic times, I have modified some of my activities and do more reading about places to travel.
- Ph.D., Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA)
- Licensed Psychologist: Pennsylvania
- Best Oral Research Presentation at the American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC) Central Group on Educational Affairs, April, 2013, "Well-being, attitudes toward counseling, and willingness to seek counseling in medical schools with and without integrated wellness programs.
- Pennsylvania Psychological Association
- National Career Development Association
- American Psychological Association
- Chen, L., Ngoubene, A., & Zanardelli, G. (2019). Childhood abuse and suicidal behaviors among Chinese migrant workers: The mediating role of alexithymia and social support. Archives of Suicide Research, Sept. 2019, 1 – 15.
- Zanardelli, G., Shivy, V., Perrone-McGovern, K.M. (2016). Predicting behavioral career commitment of college students with attachment and separation relationships. Journal of Employment Counseling
- Sim, W., Zanardelli, G. Loughran, M.J., Mannarino, M.B., & Hill, C. (2016). Thriving, Burnout, and Coping Strategies of Early and Later Career Counseling Center Psychologists in the United States. Counselling Psychology Quarterly. doi: 10.1080/09515070.2015.1121135
- Zanardelli, G. & Nave, A. (2016). Empirical evidence and applications of motivational interviewing in dental hygiene. Evidence Based Practice in Dental Hygiene.
- Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Loughran, M.J., Mannarino, M.B., & Hill, C. (2015). Career paths and advice to new psychologists in university counseling centers: A qualitative study. Journal of Human Understanding and Counseling, 36, 61-73.
- Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Borges, N., & Roman, B. (2015). Well-being in medical students. Academic Psychiatry, doi: 10.1007/s40596-014-0189-5.
- Zanardelli, G. & Kukic, A. (2011). Values clarification spectrogram. In T.M. Lara, Pope, M. & Minor, C.W. (Eds.), Experiential activities for teaching career counseling and for facilitating career groups (Vol III). Broken Arrow, OK: National Career Development Association.
- Perrone, K.P., Zanardelli, G., Worthington, E.L. & Chartrand, J.M. (2002). Role model influence on career decidedness of college students. College Student Journal, 36, 109 - 112
- Zanardelli, G. Messy paper no more: “Card” sorting goes digital. Presentation for the Pittsburgh Regional Faculty Symposium. Cancelled due to COVID; to be rescheduled.
- Yost, K., Zanardelli, G., Silverman, M., & Wallace, M. (2020). The impact of chronic pain on the career development of college students. Poster to be presented to the American Psychological Association 2020 Convention. Washington, DC (virtual conference now).
- Zanardelli, G., & Tippen, C. A route to empowerment: Bicycling as a feminist tool. Paper presentation to the Association for Women in Psychology 2019 Conference. Newport, RI.
- Hansen, S. Williams, T. & Zanardelli, G. (2018). Effectiveness of a short-term career development mentoring program. Presentation at the National Association of Workforce Development Professionals, Phoenix, AZ.
- Ngoubene-Atiokey, A.J., Zanardelli, G., Williamson-Taylor, C., Morse, J., Okozi, I., Benson, D., & Cyranowski, J. (2018). Academic functioning of black counseling psychology doctoral students. Poster to be presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA.
- G. Zanardelli (2015). Closing the gap: Gender differences in negotiation ability. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, August, 2015.
- G. Zanardelli (2014). Closing the gap: Gender differences in negotiation ability. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in Washington, DC, August, 2014.
- G. Zanardelli & C. Magistro (2014). Rewards and stressors of university and college counseling center therapists. Poster presentation for the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in Washington, DC, August, 2014.
- C. Magistro & G. Zanardelli (2014). Counseling, self-compassion, and measures of well-being: Expected and surprising findings. Poster presentation for the American Psychological Association Annual Convention in Washington, DC, August, 2014.
- Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Borges, N.J., & Roman, B. (2014, September). Well-Being, Attitudes toward
- Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Borges, N.J., Roman, B. Rodgers, S., & Kiraly, C. (2013). Well-being, attitudes toward counseling, and willingness to seek counseling in medical students with and without integrated wellness programs. Oral presentation to the Research at the Medical Education Annual Conference, a division of the Association of American Medical Colleges, Philadelphia, PA.
- Zanardelli, G., DeMarco, R., Kotecki, J., & Balk, C. (2013, August). Facebook, relational health and well-being in college students. Poster presented to the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
- Zanardelli, G., Stocker, R., & McGovern, K. (2013, August). Career transitions for women veterans. Poster presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Honolulu, HI.
- Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Borges, N., J., Roman, B., Rodgers, S., & Kiraly, C. (2013, March). Well-bring, attitudes toward counseling, and willingness to seek counseling in medical schools with and without integrated wellness programs. Presentation to the Central Group on Educational Affairs, Cincinnati, OH
- Zanardelli, G. & Ritter, M. (2012, June). Collaborations in teaching career counseling. Symposium presentation for the meeting of the National Career Development Association, Atlanta, GA.
- Zanardelli, G. (2012, August). Career considerations of early and late counseling center psychologists. In Sim, W. (Chair), Thriving and burnout in counseling center psychologists. Symposium presentation at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
- Zanardelli, G., Sim, W., Rodgers, S. & Kirary, K. (2012, August). Medical students, stress, and help seeking attitudes. Poster presentation for the meeting of the American Psychological Association, Orlando, FL.
- Isacco, A., Bernstein, J., Brinkman, B., Hamilton, D., Loughran, M.J., Mannarino, M.B., & Zanardelli, G. (2010, August). Exploring sustainability themes in a doctoral counseling psychology training program. Roundtable presented at the meeting of the American Psychological Association, San Diego, CA.
- Zanardelli, G. (2010, June). Using movies to help students identify career values, self efficacy and satisfaction. Roundtable to be presented at the meeting of the National Career Development Assocation. San Francisco, CA.
- Baker Hotep, L., Cosnek, M.S., Swauger, M., & Zanardelli, G. (March, 2010). Beyond race: Addressing socio-economic issues when working with girls. Presentation at the Southwest Pennsylvania Girls Coalition Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Zanardelli, G. & Boo, J.N. (2008, March). Hanging in the balance: Women’s traditional and non-traditional strategies for managing multiple roles. In Perrone, K.M. & Mollen, D. (Chairs), Traditional and non traditional career and family choices. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the International Counseling Psychology Conference, Chicago, IL.
- Aidala, H., Cruz, C., Zanardelli, G. & Funderbunk, J. (2005, February). University counseling center psychologists supporting the LGBT women campus community: Challenges and strategies related to programs and services. Workshop presented at the annual meeting of the Association of Women in Psychology, Tampa, FL.