Jodi Schreiber, OTD, OTR/L, C/NDT, LSVT BIG

Hometown: Glenshaw, PA
Joined Chatham: 2008
Adult learning strategies, Low vision rehabilitation outcomes, Evidence-based neurologic intervention, Dementia care, High fidelity simulation and learning, development of critical thinking and clinical reasoning skills.
Dr. Schreiber received her clinical doctorate in 2014 from Thomas Jefferson University. She is also a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh where she received both a Master of Science (1998) and Bachelor of Science degree in Occupational Therapy (1991). Dr. Schreiber has provided occupational therapy in most practice settings; this includes hospitals, nursing homes, private homes, rehabilitation centers, and preschools. Her primary interests are in neuroscience, the diseases/syndromes associated with the brain and spinal cord, and Low Vision Rehabilitation. She has presented both locally and nationally on various topics related to low vision, visual-perceptual disorders and intervention, motor learning, OT intervention with the neurologically impaired adult, and infusing occupation into routine OT practice. She is a previous member of the Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Board of Education and Licensure and was part of the initiative to add optometrist referral to the current Pennsylvania licensure. Jodi has been published in two national journals on the topics such as occupation based practice , the use of motor learning techniques with stroke survivors, and interprofessional education. She is co-author of Occupational Therapy Intervention Resource Manual: A Guide for Occupation-Based Practice which focuses on the practical use of occupation within a variety of occupational therapy practice settings. Dr. Schreiber is married and has two sons. She enjoys the theater, Jeopardy-quiz shows, and reading.
- OTD, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA. 2014
- M.S., University of Pittsburgh, PA, 1998
- B.S. in Occupational Therapy, University of Pittsburgh, PA, 1991
- Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association, American Occupational Therapy Association
- Schreiber, J., Delbert, T., & Huth, L. (2020). High fidelity simulation with peer debriefing: Influence of student observation and participation roles on student perception of confidence with learning and feedback. Journal of Occupational Therapy Education, 4 (2).
- Perry, S. B., Billek-Sawhney, B., & Schreiber, J. (2020). Stroke prevention: Education and barriers for physical and occupational therapists caring for older adults. Physical & Occupational Therapy in Geriatrics, DOI: 10.1080/02703181.2020.1755410
- Rebovich, A. M. & Schreiber, J. (2017). An introduction to low vision rehabilitation for occupational therapists. Brockton, MA: Western Schools.
- Goreczeny, A., Bednarek, M., Hawkins, S., Hertweck, M., Schreiber, J., & Sterrett, S. (2016). Assessing self-reported interprofessional competency in health-care education: Impact of new curriculum. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 14(3).
- Provident, I., Salls, J., Dolhi, C., Schreiber, J., Mattila, A., & Eckel, E. (2015). Design of an online curriculum promoting transformative learning in post professional doctoral students. Online Learning: Official Journal of The Online Learning Consortium, 19(3). Retrieved from
- Sterrett, S. E., Hawkins, S. R., Hertweck, M., Schreiber, J. (2015). Developing communities of interprofessional practice: Using a communities of practice framework for interprofessional education. Nurse Educator, 40(1), E1-E4.
- Schreiber, J., Goreczeny, A., Bednarek, M., Hawkins, S., Hertweck, M., & Sterrett, S. (2014). The Effects of a Single Event Interprofessional Education (IPE) Experience on Occupational Therapy Students’ Attitudes Toward IPE. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice, 12(1).
- Schreiber, J. & Goreczny, A. (2013). Instructional insight into Interprofessional Education (IPE). Occupational Therapy in Healthcare, Early Online, 1–6. doi: 10.3109/07380577.2013.778443.
- Hertweck, M., Hawkins, S., Bednarek, M., Goreczeny, A., Schreiber, J., & Sterrett, S. (2012). Attitudes Toward Interprofessional Education: Comparing Physician Assistant and Other Health Care Professions Students. Journal of Physician Assistant Education.
- Eckel, E., Schreiber, J. & Provident, I. (2012). Community Dwelling Elderly American Women and Meal Preparation. Physical and Occupational Therapy in Gerontology.
- Chisholm, D., Dolhi, C., & Schreiber, J. (2011). “An Occupation-Based Approach in Postacute Care to Support Productive Aging” CE on CD. Bethesda, MD: American Occupational Therapy Association.
- National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
- Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT): Certification
- Second Wind Dreams Virtual Dementia Tour Certified Trainer
- July 2017- June 2020 Pennsylvania Representative to the American Occupational Therapy Association
- Schreiber, J. Development of Second Semester Master of Occupational Therapy Students’ Critical Thinking: A Pilot Study. (2015) . 95th annual American Occupational Therapy Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Goreczny, A. J., Schreiber, J., Bednarek, M., & Hertweck, M. (2014). Development of an IPE Curriculum Based on the Core Competencies: Challenges, Opportunities, and Research. June 7, 2014. All Together Better Health VII: The 7th International Conference on Interprofessional Practice and Education, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Schreiber, J. Scrambling to meet ACOTE standards regarding interprofessional education. November 9, 2013. Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Schreiber, J., Goreczeny, A, Bednarek, M, Hawkins, S, Hertweck, M, & Sterrett, S. Interprofessional Education: Facilitators, Barriers, & the Faculty team. November 8, 2013. Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy Association Conference, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Dolhi, C., Schreiber, J., & Chisholm, D. Occupation-Based Intervention in Acute Care: Oxymoron or Opportunity? April 28, 2012. 92nd Annual American Occupational Therapy Association Conference. Indianapolis, IN.
- Schreiber, J., Rebovich, A., Sinclair, S., & Astorino, J. Low Vision Rehabilitation: Personally Meet the Team. April 16, 2011. AOTA Conference, Philadelphia, PA
- “20/20 vision and It’s still not clear”. (Co-presenter with Carbone, M.) Pennsylvania Occupational Therapy State Conference, Pittsburgh, PA . 2009
- Dolhi, C. and Schreiber, J. “Putting Occupation Where It Belongs…In Therapy!”. Beachwood, OH, March 2003