Anna Vioral, Ph.D., MEd, RN, OCN, BMTCN

Hometown: Gibsonia, PA
Joined Chatham: 2015
Nursing Education, Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice, Nursing Leadership, Hematology and Medical Oncology Nursing.
Running, Skiing, Traveling, Hiking, Mountains.
I have been a nurse educator for over 20 years and an oncology nurse for over 35 years. My passion is nursing education, research, leadership, and professional development. I am a dedicated transformational leader focusing to provide a positive experience advancing the science with research and evidence-based practice. I aspire to be an innovative and strategic leader who builds relationships that promotes clinical, educational, technological excellence and translational change to practice. I have taught in BSN, RN-to-BSN, Masters, and DNP in the clinical, classroom, and online environments applying the constructivist philosophical theory creating an open environment to learn in an equitable manner and engaging in the classroom in teaching and learning with courtesy, respect, and communication.
- Albright College, BS in Nursing
- Duquesne University, MS in Nursing Education
- Penn State University, Certificate Distance Education
- Penn State University, Masters of Adult Education
- Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Ph.D. in Nursing Education
- Peer Reviewer, The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing (JCEN) - Top Ten Reviewer Recognition (2024)
- Pittsburgh Magazine’s 2022 Excellence in Nursing Awards – Researcher (Honorable Mention), 2022
- Research, Evidence-Based Practice, Quality (REQ) Forum Annual Recognition Event, 2018 – 2024
- Pittsburgh Magazine’s 2018 Excellence in Nursing Awards (Researcher), 2018
- Twenty-Seventh Indiana University Pennsylvania Foundation Doctoral Fellowship Award, 2013
- Certificate of Appreciation Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, 2002-2014
- Twenty-Sixth Indiana University Pennsylvania Foundation Doctoral Fellowship Award, 2012
- Scholarship - Allegheny General Hospital School of Nursing Alumnae Association, 2012
- Marian A. Murray Graduate Nursing Scholarship - Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 2011
- Oncology Nursing Society Foundation Doctoral Scholarship Grant Recipient, 2009
- Sigma Theta Tau, Epsilon Phi Chapter, International Honor Society of Nursing
- Pi Lambda Theta – International Honor Society and Professional Association in Education
- Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, 2012-Present
- American Association of College of Nurses (AACN)
- American Society Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
- Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS)
- National League Nursing (NLN)
- Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
- Oncology Nursing Certification Cooperation (ONCC)
- Lombardo, M.J., Vioral, A., Ley, C., Alderfer, M.E., Mackay, P., Kverno, K., Milburn, R. L., Hohl, D., Lindauer, C. & Gerstenhaber, M. (2023). A qualitative study of midlevel nurse managers’ perspectives of scholarly inquiry. Journal of Nursing Administration, 53(4), 214-219.
- Rushton, C.H., Thomas, T. A., Antonsdottic, I.M., Nelson, K.E., Boyce, D., Vioral, A., Swavely, D., Ley, C.D., & Hanson, G. C. (2021). Moral injury and moral resiliency in health care workers curing COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Palliative Medicine, doi10.1089/JPM.2021.0076.
- Kulasa, N., McCullough-Squire, J., Vioral, A., Trombetta, M., Schwaderer, K., & Geier, L. (2019). Multidisciplinary development of standards of care and education related to reproductive, intimacy, sexuality, educational needs of oncology patients (RISEN). Oncology Nursing Forum, 46(2), 55.
- Lockhart, J. S., Oberleitner, M. G., Felice, T. L., & Vioral, A. (2018). Using evidence to prepare no-oncology nurses for cancer survivor care. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 49(1), 12-18.
- Lockhart, J.S., Oberleitner,M., Felice, T., & Vioral, A.(2015, July/August). Are nurses without oncology preparation ready to care for cancer survivors? Recommendations for evidence-based professional development. Cancer Nursing. ICCN 2015 Cancer Nursing Research: Global Strategies and Implications for Evidence-Based Practice. Abstract Supplement, 38 (45), S44.
- Lockhart, J.S., Oberleitner, M., Felice, T., & Vioral, A .(2015, March). Educational needs of non-oncology nurses regarding the care of cancer survivors. Oncology Nursing Forum, 42(2), E227.
- Vioral, A., & Wentley, D. (2015). Managing oncology neutropenia and sepsis in the intensive care unit. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly, 38(2), 165-174.
- Vioral, A., Leslie, Marjorie, L., Best, R., & Somerville, D. (2014). Patient adherence with oral oncolytic therapies. Seminars in Oncology Nursing, 30(3), 190-199.
- Vioral, A. (2014). Standardization of chemotherapy administration: A multidisciplinary process utilizing electronic learning vignettes. Journal of Nursing Professional Development, 30(3), 92-99.
- Vioral, A. (2014). Examining oncology nurses’ knowledge of chemotherapy errors using two self-directed learning strategies. Oncology Nursing Forum (Online Exclusive Poster Abstracts), 41(2), E64-171. doi - 1188/14.ONF.E64-E171.
- Vioral, A. (2013). Exploring pedagogical competence in a distance education nursing program: A case study. Journal of Nursing Education and Practice, 3(9), Online Open Source, doi: 5430/jnep.v3n9p36.
- Vioral, A. (2012). Implementation of the American Society of Clinical Oncology and Oncology Nursing Society chemotherapy safety standards: A multidisciplinary approach. Clinical Journal of Oncology Nursing, 16(6), Online Exclusive CNE Article, -DOI – 10.1188/12.CJON.E226-E230.
- Vioral, A. (2012). Standardization of chemotherapy administration: A multidisciplinary process utilizing e-learning vignettes. Oncology Nursing Forum, 39(6), (Online Exclusive Podium Abstracts) - # 1414547, E548-E590. DOI - 1188/12.ONF.548-590.
- Vioral, A., Kennihan, H., & Best, R. (2012). A multidisciplinary approach to implement the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) chemotherapy safety standards. Oncology Nursing Forum (Online Abstracts - #1337452), 39(3), E157-E225. DOI 10.1188/12.ONF.E157-E225.
- Vioral, A. (2011). Filling the gaps: immersing student nurses in specialty nursing and professional associations. The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 42(9), 415-420.
- Vioral, A. (2008). Safe handling of chemotherapy. ONS Connect Publication.
- Vioral, A. (2007). Issue Editor. Home Health Care Management and Practice - End of Life Care, 19(5).
- Vioral, A. (2007). Hazardous agents in the home. Home Health Care Management and Practice - End of Life Care, 19(5).
- Vioral, A., & Ely, S. (2007). Breast cancer overview. Plastic Surgical Nursing, 27(3).
- Chatlak, M., Gordon, L., Kennihan, H. Kern, M., Vioral, A. (2024). Breaking New Ground – Mobile In Situ Oncology Competencies, International Nursing Association for Clinical Simulation and Learning 2024, Raleigh, NC (June 12-15, 2024), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Colosimo, J., Kennihan, H., & Vioral, A. (2020). Assessing educational preferences and evaluating notebooks to improve the oncology patient experience. ONS 45th Annual Congress, (April 29-May 3, 2020 – San Antonio, Texas), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Oberleitner, M., Lockhart, J. S., & Vioral, A. (2016). The Evidence Base for Addressing Essential Oncology Competences for All Nurses, Oncology Nursing Society Congress, San Antonio, Texas (April 2016), Poster, Competitive review.
- Lockhart, J. S., Oberleitner, T. Felice, T., & Vioral, A. (2015). What are the Educational needs of Medical-Surgical Nurses Who Care for Cancer Survivors in Non-Oncology Clinical Settings?, Academy of Medical-Surgical Nursing (AMSN), Las Vegas, Nevada (September 2015), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Lockhart, J. S., Oberleitner, T. Felice, T., & Vioral, A. (2015). Are Nurses without Oncology Preparation Ready to Care for Cancer Survivors? Recommendations for Evidence-Based Professional Development, International Council of Cancer Nurses, Vancouver, British Colombia (July 10, 2015), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Lockhart, J. S., Oberleitner, T. Felice, T., & Vioral, A. (2015). Educational Needs of Non-Oncology Nurses Regarding the Care of Cancer Survivors, Oncology Nursing Society 40th Annual Congress, Orlando, Florida (April 23-26, 2015), Poster Presentation, Competitive review.
- Roman, D., Steele, J., Whiteside, R., Vioral, A., DiPerna, L., & Niccolai, J. (2015). Impact of Follow-Up Assessments on the Identification and Management of Toxicities in Patients on Oral Anti-Cancer Agents, Poster Presentation – Hematology Oncology Pharmacy Association (HOPA), Annual Conference Austin, Texas (March 25th -28th 2015), Poster Presentation, Competitive review.
- Vioral, A. (2014). Quality Oncology Care: Demonstrating Value In conjunction with ASCO/QOPI, Pre-Congress Session – 39th Annual Congress – Oncology Nursing Society, Anaheim, California (April 30, 2014), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Vioral, A. (2014). Examining Oncology Nurses’ Knowledge of Chemotherapy Errors Using Two Self-Directed Learning Strategies, Poster Presentation – 39th Annual Congress – Oncology Nursing Society, Anaheim, California (May 1st – May 4th 2014), Poster, Competitive review.
- Vioral, A. (2013). Online Course Evaluation Tool (OCET) Development, 2013 Hot Issues Conference – American Association of Colleges of Nursing, Poster Session – (90 minutes), St. Louis, Missouri (April 11, 2013), Poster, Competitive review.
- Vioral, A. (2012). Standardizing Chemotherapy Administration: A Multidisciplinary Process Using E-Learning Vignettes 2012 Oncology Nursing Society’s Connections – Advancing Care through Science, 75 Minute Podium Session, Phoenix, Arizona (November 17, 2012), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Vioral, A. (2012). Standardizing Chemotherapy Administration: A Multidisciplinary Process Using E-Learning Vignettes STTI – Nursing Education Research Conference 2012: Innovations in Nursing Education Research Podium Session, (75 minutes), Indianapolis, Indiana (June 15, 2012), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Vioral, A. (2012). A Multidisciplinary Approach to Implement the American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO) and 2012 Oncology Nursing Society (ONS) Chemotherapy Safety Standards, 37th Annual Oncology Nursing Society Congress – Oncology Nursing Society, Podium Session 1337452 - (75 minutes), New Orleans, Louisiana (May 4, 2012), Presentation, Competitive review.
- Eisenberg, S., Shelburne, N., Wickline, M., & Vioral, A. (2008). HSOS: It’s Not VOD Anymore, and Acute and Chronic Dermatologic Toxicities, 9th Annual Institutes of Learning – Oncology Nursing Society - (3 hour -Mini-Institute), Seattle, Washington (November 15, 2008), Presentation, Competitive review.
- A Qualitative Study of Midlevel Nurse Managers' Perspectives of Scholarly Inquiry (2023). University of Maryland, Lombardo, M. (PI) & Vioral, A. (2nd author).
- Moral Distress in the Midst of a Pandemic: A Survey - John Hopkins Collaborative Research Nurse (JHCRN) (2021), Rushton, C. (PI) & Vioral, A (sub-site lead site co-investigator).
- Assessing Educational Preferences and Evaluating Notebooks to Improve the Oncology Patient Experience (2017-2020), Allegheny Health Network, Kennihan, H. (PI) & Vioral, A. (co-PI).
- Standardization of Chemotherapy Administration: A Multidisciplinary Process Utilizing E-Learning Vignette Modules (2012), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Vioral (PI).
- Exploring Pedagogical Competence in a Distance Education Nursing Program: A Case Study 2011 (2013), Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Vioral, A. (PI).
- Non-Oncology Nurses’ Educational Needs Regarding Care of Cancer Survivors, 2013 – 2015(as Perceived by Oncology Nurses & Medical-Surgical Nurses) Supported by the Oncology Nursing Society with a Susan Komen Foundation for the Cure Grant to ONS (funded- 2013).
- Principle Investigator with Oberleinter, M., Felice, T. & Vioral, A. ($30,000)