Anthony Isacco, Ph.D.

Hometown: Pittsburgh, PA
Joined Chatham: 2009
I enjoy teaching in the Graduate Psychology Programs such as Professional Seminar in Counseling Psychology, Practicum Supervision, Personality Theory & Assessment, and Assessment. As the Director of Training for the PsyD program, it's my great pleasure to mentor and guide students through various professional development milestones such as comprehensive exams and obtaining a pre-doctoral internship. My research and clinical interests include positive father involvement, religious and spiritual factors to men's health, and working with religious populations such as priests, deacons, seminarians, and women religious.
I have published three books on those topics: All In: Breaking Barriers to Discerning the Priesthood (Lambing Press); Religion, Spirituality, and Masculinity: New Insights for Counselors (Routledge); and The Handbook of the Psychology of Fatherhood (Spring Nature).
I joined Chatham University in 2009. Before that I lived in Ohio, Boston, Chicago, and Oregon. I enjoy family time with my wife and four daughters. I like playing basketball, running, and biking. They say that you are not ready to run your next marathon until you forget about your last marathon. That is true. I finished the Pittsburgh marathon in 2018 and then took time off from marathon training before starting again in 2024. I recently completed a 30k mountain run in West Virginia and the Erie Marathon. I am a Steelers and Penguins fan. I really like going to Steelers training camp each year at Saint Vincent College in Latrobe.
- BA, Franciscan University Steubenville, 2002
- MA, Boston College, Counseling Psychology, 2004
- Ph.D., Loyola University Chicago, Counseling Psychology, 2009
- State of Pennsylvania Licensed Psychologist. License #PS017182
- E.Passport from the Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB), Authority to Practice Interjurisdictional Telepsychology (APIT) from the PSYPACT Commission
- Grant Award (2022 - 2023). Spiritual Competencies in Graduate Education
- Principal Investigator, Raskob Foundation Grant, Leadership Development among Catholic Clergy and Laity in Western Pennsylvania
- Pope John Paul II Research and Academic Excellence Award, 2021
- Technology Teaching Fellowship, 2013-2015
- Problem-Based Learning Teaching Fellowship, 2012-2013
- Certificate of Merit, Division 18 of APA: Psychologists in Public Service, 2006
- The Albert Schweitzer Fellowship, The Chicago Area Schweitzer Fellows Program, 2006. Awarded for outreach to underserved high school students.
- Associate Editor, Journal of Spirituality in Clinical Practice
- Editorial Board Member, Psychology of Men and Masculinities journal
- Division 51: Society for the Psychological Study of Men and Masculinity
- Catholic Psychotherapy Association
- Catholic Psychotherapy Association, Seminary Assessment Working Group
- American Psychological Association
- Division 17 Counseling Psychology
- 2012 Division 51 Program Chair
- Early Career Professionals Committee, Division 17, Society for Counseling Psychology, 2009-2012
- Pennsylvania Psychological Assocation
- Molly, S., Azzam, P., & Isacco, A. (2022). Handbook of the Psychology of Fatherhood. Springer Nature.
- Madere, J., Burnham, M., Isacco, A., Erwin, B., & Brueninger, M. (2023). Origins of the Journal
of the Catholic Psychotherapy Association: Integratus, 1(1), 76-80. - Isacco, A., & Wade, J. (2019). Religion, Spirituality, & Masculinity: New Insights for Counselors. Routledge Publishing.
- Isacco, A., & Tirabassi, D. (2018). All In: Breaking Barriers to Discerning the Priesthood. Lambing Press.
- Isacco, A., & Songy, D. (2022). Spiritual fatherhood among Catholic priests: Implications for practice. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 9(2), 114-126.
- Isacco, A., Songy, D., & Plante, T. (2022). Psychological evaluations of clergy applicants: Answering frequency asked questions. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 9(2), 127-139.
- Bosnjakovic, J., Formella, Z., Kwiatek, P., Pecoraro, A., Isacco, A. (2021). Dobrobit svecenika u vrijeme pandemije bolesti COVID-19. Bogoslovska smotra,* 91(3), 609-637. *Translation: The well-being of priests during the COVID-19 pandemic. Seminary Review.
- Isacco, A., Ingram, P., & Borgogna, N. (2021). Predictors of admission outcomes among Catholic clergy applicants using the MMPI-2-RF. Psychological Assessment. 33(9), 871–879.
- Garfield, C.G., Rothson, J., Fischer, S., Barretto, D., & Isacco, A. (2019). Development and validation of the Paternal Involvement with their Toddler Scale. Psychology of Men and Masculinity. 20(1), 148-160.
- Singley, D., Cole, B., Hammer, J., Rowell, A., Molloy, S., & Isacco, A. (2018). Development and Validation of the Paternal Involvement with Infant Scale. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 19(2), 167-183.
- Isacco, A., Finn, K., Tirabassi, D., & Meade, K., & Plante, T. (2020). Are Catholic clergy applicants psychologically healthy? Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 7, 230-245.
- Isacco, A., & Plante, T.P. (2020). Introduction to the Special Issue on Catholic Clergy Issues in Psychological Research and Practice. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 7, 215-219.
- Isacco, A., Tirabassi, D., Porada, K., & Rogers, T. (2018). An examination of spiritual interventions to address problematic pornography consumption. Book chapter in T. Plante (Ed.), Healing with Spiritual Practices: Proven Techniques for Disorders from Anxiety and AIDS to Depression and Diabetes. ABC-CLIO.
- Isacco, A., & Wade, J. (2017). A Review of Theoretical Perspectives and Research in the Psychology of Men and Masculinities. In R. Levant & J. Wong (Eds.) The Psychology of Men and Masculinities (chapter 5). Washington D.C.: American Psychological Association.
- Isacco, A., Ingram, P., Finn, K., Dimoff, J., & Gebler, B. (2020). A novel approach to examining personality risk factors of sexual offending in clergy applicants. Spirituality in Clinical Practice, 7, 246-261.
- Isacco, A., Sahker, E., Krinock, E., Sim, W., & Hamilton, D. (2016). How religious beliefs and practices influence the psychological health of Catholic priests. American Journal of Men’s Health, 10, 325-337.
- Isacco, A., Hofscher, R., & Molloy, S. (2016). An examination of fathers’ mental health help seeking: A brief report. American Journal of Men’s Health. 10(6), 33-38.
- Isacco, A.* (2016). Measuring masculinity: Developmental contexts, men’s health, and qualitative research. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 16, 141-144 *Invited commentary as part of a special issue focused on masculinity ideology.
- Isacco, A., Sahker, E., Hamilton, D., Mannarino, M.B., Fendenheim, M.E., & Sim, W. (2014). A qualitative study of mental health help-seeking among Catholic priests. Religion, Mental Health, and Culture. 17(7), 741-757.
- Isacco, A. (2012, June). We are all prodigal sons: Spirituality can help redeem men's health. Op-Ed. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
- Garfield, C.F., Isacco, A., & Sahker, E. (2013). Religion and spirituality as important components to men's health: An analytic. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine.7(1), 27-37.
- Garfield, C.F., & Isacco, A. (2012). Urban fathers' involvement in their child's health and healthcare. Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 13(1), 32-48.
- Isacco, A., Garfield, C.F., & Rogers, T.E. (2010). Correlates of coparental support among married and non-married fathers. Journal of Psychology of Men and Masculinity, 11(4), 262-278.
- Isacco, A. (2010, June). Father types. Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.
- Garfield, C.F., Isacco, A., & Bartlo, W. (2010). Men's health and fatherhood in the urban midwestern United States. International Journal of Men's Health, 9(3), 161-174.
- Garfield, C.F., Isacco, A., & Rogers, T.E. (2008). A review of men’s health and masculinity. American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine, 2(6), 474-487.
- Vera, E.M., Buhin, L., & Isacco, A. (2008). The role of prevention in psychology's social justice agenda. In M.E. Kenny, A.M. Horne, P. Orpinas, & L.E. Reese (Eds.), Realizing Social Justice: The Challenge of Preventive Interventions. Washington D.C., American Psychological Association.
- Garfield, C.F. & Isacco, A. (2006). Fathers and the well-child visits. Pediatrics, 117, 637-645.
- Isacco, A., Glafke, M., & Goncz, S. (2023, August). The clinical utility of psychological
evaluations of Catholic clergy applicants. Poster presentation at American Psychological Association annual convention, Washington DC.
Burns, E., Donoghue, P., Garvey, J., & Isacco, A. (2024, May). Clergy mental health roundtable.
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, Washington DC. - Isacco, A., Pecoraro, A., Bosnjakovic, J., Formella, Z., Kwiatek, P., Goncz, S., & Wilczewska, K. (2022, August). Factors predicting psychological well-being of U.S. Catholic priests during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presenting at American Psychological Association annual convention. Minneapolis, MN.
- Isacco, A., Madere, J., Kugelmann, R., Burnham, M., Brueninger, M., Erwin, B., Freeney, L. Fox, J. (2022, April). Introducing Integratus, the official journal of Catholic Psychotherapy Association. Symposium presented at Catholic Psychotherapy Association conference. Minneapolis, MN.
- Wilczewska, K., Isacco, A., & Gebler, B. (2021, April). Advances in Psychological Assessment of Female Applicants to Religious Life. Accepted poster presentation. Catholic Psychotherapy Association Conference.
- Isacco, Ingram, P., Finn, K., Dimoff, J., & Gebler, B. (2021, August). Examining personality risk-factors of sexual offending in clergy applicants. Presentation at American Psychological Association Convention.
- Isacco, A. (2020, August). Catholic clergy health in the sexual abuse era: Implications for research and practice. Symposium at American Psychological Association Convention.
- Isacco, A., Mullen, S., Glafke, M., Gudan, E., Lock, T., & Lynch, C. (2021, April). Integrating Psychosexual Development in Clergy Applicant Assessments. Pre-Conference Continuing Education Workshop. Catholic Psychotherapy Association Conference.
- Isacco, A., & Wade, J. (2019, August). Religion, Spirituality, & Masculinity: New Insights for Clinical Practice. Co-chair of symposium presented at American Psychological Association annual convention, Chicago, IL.
- Isacco, A., (2020, May). A developmental model of evidence-based interventions for Catholic clergy. Catholic Psychotherapy Association annual conference.
- Isacco, A., Finn, K., Tirabassi, D., & Plante, T. (2019, August). Are applicants to the seminary and diaconate psychologically healthy? Poster presentation at American Psychological Association annual convention, Chicago, IL.
- Isacco, A., & Azzam, P. (2019, August). Reconstructing Dad: Conceptualizing Fatherhood in the Psychology of Men and Masculinities. Co-chair of symposium presented at American Psychological Psychological annual convention, Chicago, IL.
- Isacco, A., Lynch, C., Mullen, S., Lock, T., Gudan, E., & Glafke, M. (2020, October). Psychological evaluations of seminary applicants: Moving from common to best practices. Continuing Education Workshop, Catholic Psychotherapy Association.
- Isacco, A., Tirabassi, D., & Maede, K. (2018, August). A spiritual-sensitive approach to addressing problematic pornography consumption. Presented at American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.
- Isacco, A., Tirabassi, D., Porada, K., & Delany, J.J., (2017, August). Are applicants to the Catholic diaconate and seminary programs psychologically healthy? A replication study. Presented at American Psychological Association Convention, Washington, DC.
- Isacco, A., & Plante, T. (Co-Chairs) (2016, August). The integration of psychological research, practice, and policy with Catholic seminarians and priests. Symposium presented at the American Psychological Association Convention, Denver, Colorado.
- Orbe, J. & Isacco, A. (2016, August). The psychosexual development of Filipino priests: A qualitative study. Presentation given at the American Psychological Association Convention, Denver, Colorado.
- Isacco, A. (2016, August). Exploring the relationship between possible masculinities and spirituality in religious men. Presentation given at the American Psychological Association Convention, Denver, Colorado.
- Isacco, A., & Wade, J. (co-chairs). Examining the intersectionality of religion, spirituality, and masculinity in diverse men. Collaborative symposium sponsored by APA and Divisions 36 (Religion/Spirituality) and 51 (Men and Masculinity). 2015 American Psychological Association annual convention, Toronto, Canada.
- Isacco, A. (discussant). A quantitative evaluation of new fatherhood: Implications for policy and practice. Symptom that is part of Division 51’s (Men and Masculinity) program. 2015 American Psychological Association annual convention, Toronto, Canada.
- Krinock, E., Sahker, E., Kuwlewski, K., & Isacco, A. Perceptions of diocesan-level supports among Roman Catholic priests. Poster presentation in Division 36 (Religion/Spirituality). 2015 American Psychological Association annual convention, Toronto, Canada.
- Isacco, A. (2014, June). I pray with clients! And other confessions integrating spirituality into my clinical work with men. Presentation at the National Psychotherapy with Men conference, Fullerton, California.
- Molloy, S., & Isacco, A. (2015, November). The developmental of a father involvement with infants scale. Biennial Perinatal Mental Health Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Cole, B., Singley, D., Isacco, A., & Molloy, S. (2015, November). A social cognitive model of men’s adjustment to fatherhood. Biennial Perinatal Mental Health Conference, Chicago, Illinois.
- Isacco, A., Sahker, E., Mannarino, M., Hamilton, D., St. Jean, M., Pizzuto, J. (2013, March). Catholic priests’ Dynamic relationship with God: Implications for health. Poster presentation for Division 35 Mid-Year Conference, Baltimore, Maryland.
- Isacco, A., Sahker, E., Garfield, C., Molloy, S., & Ampureo, M. (2013, August). Father involvement as a mediator between religion/spirituality and health outcomes in a diverse sample of fathers. Symposium presentation at American Psychological Association convention, Honolulu, Hawaii.
- Isacco, A.,(chair) Sahker, E., St. Jean, M., Pizzuto, J., Mannarino, M.B., Hamilton, D., Sim, W. (2012, August). Toward a holistic understanding of Catholic priests’ health and wellness. Conversation hour given at the American Psychological Association convention, Orlando, Florida.
- Isacco, A. (2011). Understanding coparental support among married and non-married fathers. In C.Z. Oren and D.C. Oren (co-chairs), Context matters- Fathers across settings symposium. Annual American Psychological Association convention, Washington D.C.
- Isacco, A., & Rogers, T.E. (2008, August). Examining paternal depression in coparenting. Poster presentation at American Psychological Association Convention. Boston, MA.