Academic Advising

The Academic Advising Center aims to provide students with the foundation, guidance, and skills to navigate their academic, personal, and professional goals.

What We Do for Students:

  • Academic Planning: We help with scheduling and making sure students understand the bigger picture. Which classes are required to graduate? What prerequisites do you need?
  • Major/Minor Advice: Need to choose or change your major/minor? Interested in earning a certificate? Not sure what you want to study yet? We’ll help you figure it out.
  • Transfer Credit Evaluation: We accept transfer credits for almost all 100+ level courses with a grade of at least a C. This includes classes taken while in high school or before beginning your first semester at the University. Make sure you have provided official transcripts to our Admissions office so that we can evaluate them for potential credits!
  • AP/IB Courses: We help students understand how college credit is received for AP/IB exams and courses.

Students can visit myChatham for more information about how to contact their advisor, frequently asked questions, advising documents, and important advising dates and deadlines throughout the year.

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Contact Us

Academic Advising Center
Coolidge Hall, Lower Level – Lackner Lounge
Instagram: @chathamuadvising