Women's and Gender Studies
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Women's and Gender Studies Overview
One of the most amazing things about the women’s and gender studies program is the kind of wonderful, intelligent, compassionate people the program attracts. From the incredible professors to my peers who have shared the most powerful insights on intersectionality, I have learned so much from the people here. Not only have I come to a better understanding of myself and my own gender, it has also expanded the ways I think about community power as a way of disrupting structural oppression and fostering empathy. It has really prepared me to go out and turn all the theory I’ve learned in the classroom into praxis in the real world.

Course Spotlight: Women’s Leadership in the 21st Century
Chatham’s Women’s Leadership in the 21st Century course is an interdisciplinary seminar that’s open to all undergraduates (who have taken one of the prerequisites), and, according to course instructor and director of the Chatham University Women’s Institute, Jessie Ramey, Ph.D., “the jewel in the crown of our women’s leadership certificate program.”
Explore the Women's and Gender Studies Degree:
The major in women’s and gender studies offers students the opportunity for the interdisciplinary study of women’s contributions to society and women’s experiences in diverse cultures, politics, and historical periods. Students seek to understand the new scholarship on women and the new intellectual frameworks, methodologies, and feminist theories that examine gender as a social construct.

Gender Equity & Women as Leaders
Chatham was named by College Magazine as a top three school for aspiring women leaders. "Chatham encourages students to understand gender studies, pursue advocacy and fight misogyny. Every student must take classes in the area of women’s studies. Other subject areas introduce feminist ideas into their curriculum."
Gender Equity & Women as Leaders : Checkerboard 1 - Gender Equity & Women as Leaders
Partnerships in the Region
Chatham is home to the Center for Women’s Entrepreneurship, the Pennsylvania Center for Women and Politics, and the Women’s Business Center. These centers sponsor programs for students, such as NEW (National Education for Women’s) Leadership Pennsylvania™, an educational program for young women to learn how to be active citizens and how to influence public policy.

Scholarships and Awards
In addition to other merit-based awards and scholarships, Chatham offers awards and scholarships for women’s leadership, including the Hollander Student Award and the Heffer Family Scholarship.

Women's Leadership Certificate
The certificate in women's leadership offered by the Women's Institute at Chatham University is a multi-disciplinary program designed to equip students with the theory, skills, and practice of leadership. Students earning a certificate will be prepared to take on leadership roles in their chosen fields and beyond, from business, politics, science, and the arts to healthcare, education, non-profits, NGO’s, and more.
Explore the Women's Leadership Certificate : Checkerboard 4 - Women's Leadership Certificate
Triota Honor Society
Chatham University has been recognized as the newest chapter (Zeta Zeta) of the National Women's & Gender Studies Honor Society, Iota Iota Iota (a.k.a. Triota). A national honor society with over 150 chapters, Triota’s purpose is to encourage and support scholarship, excellence, and activism in women's and gender studies.
Learn About Triota at Chatham : Checkerboard 5 - Triota Honor Society