Alice Julier, Ph.D.

Hometown: Amherst, NH
Joined Chatham: 2010
Sociology; Social Inequality; Race, Class, Gender; Culture and Consumption; Qualitative Methods; Food Discourse;Popular Culture and Media; Food Systems, Food Narratives; Disability Justice.
I have a dog and some cats.
Alice Julier is a sociologist whose writes about inequality, food, and everyday life. She is the Director of the Center for Regional Agriculture, Food, and Transformation (CRAFT) and the past president of Association for the Study of Food and Society. Her research focuses on materiality, social movements, domesticity, labor, consumption, and inequality in food systems. She has written on topics ranging from masculinities and food (“Mapping Men onto the Menu,”), poverty and obesity ( “The Political Economy of Obesity,”) history ( “Julia at Smith”) and food systems (“Hiding Race and Class in the Discourse of Commercial Food.”) Her first book, Eating Together: Food, Friendship, and Inequality, focuses on commensality, gender, and race. She is the co-editor of the fourth edition of Food and Culture: A Reader, the most widely used food studies textbook. Prior research include the feminist women's health organizations, gender, race, and leadership in the US Civil Rights Movement, and critical social theory. These interests center on how people navigate practice and politics, activism and everyday life. At CRAFT, her focus is on research and outreach that creates the conditions for a new food economy and cultural equity.
- Ph.D. in Sociology, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA)
- M.A. in Sociology, University of Massachusetts (Amherst, MA)
- B.A. in Sociology, Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)
- Eating Together: Food, Friendship, and Inequality
- Counihan, C., van Estrik, P. and Julier, A (editors) Food and Culture: A Reader, 4th Edition (w
- “Critiquing Hegemony, Creating Food, Crafting Justice: Cultivating an Activist Feminist Food Studies” in Feminist Food Studies: Exploring Intersectionality. Edited by Barbara Parker, Jennifer Brady, and Elaine Power. (Fall 2018)
- “Appropriation” The Practice of the Meal: Food, Families, and the Market Place edited by David Marshall and Bettina Cappellini. Routledge Publishing (December 2015)
- “Meals: Eating at Home or Eating Out” Chapter 22 in The Handbook of Food Research, edited by Anne Murcott, Warren Belasco, and Peter Jackson. Berg Publishers (May 2013)
- Family and Domesticity (Chapter 7) in A Cultural History of Food: The Modern Age, edited by Amy Bentley. Berg Publishers March 2012
- “Encountering Food Systems: A Conversation about Thinking, Teaching, and Social Change” with Gilbert W. Gillespie, Jr. Food, Culture, and Society Vol 15, No. 3 September 2012
- Julia at Smith. Gastronomica: The Journal of Food and Culture. Commemorative Issue on Julia Child. Vol. 5, No. 3. Summer 2005.
- The Political Economy of Obesity: The Fat Pay All. In Food and Culture: A Reader . Routledge (2nd, 3rd, and 4th editions)
- Hiding Race, Class, and Gender in Discourses of Commercial Food From Betty Crocker to Feminist Food Studies: Critical Perspectives on Women and Food. Edited by Arlene Voski Avakian and Barbara Haber. University of Massachusetts Press. December 2005.
- Mapping Men onto the Menu: Food and Masculinities. Food and Foodways: Explorations in the History of Human Nourishment. Double Issue on Men and Masculinities co-edited with Laura Lindenfeld. Vol 13, No. 1 and 2. Routledge. March 2005.
- Buhl Professorship, 2013
- Choice Magazine Outstanding Academic Title for Eating Together: Food Friendship, and Inequality, 2014
- Excellence in Classroom Practice Citation, Conference on College Composition and Communication, Nashville, TN
- Distinguished Teaching Award, University of Massachusetts
- Association for the Study of Food and Society
- Sociologists for Women in Society
- Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society
- Umbra Institute, Conference and curriculum board
- Board member, Food, Culture, and Society 2004 - present
- Board member, Food and Foodways: explorations in the history and culture of human nourishment 2004 - present
- President, Association for the Study of Food and Society. 2003–2006
- “Food and Place: Marketing the Local, Gentrifying the Neighborhood” Keynote speech at Texas Tech Humanities Center Food and.. series. Lubbock, TX October, 2017
- “The Moral Entrepreneurship of Cooks.” Keynote speech and panel participant, 14th Annual Belmont Humanities Symposium Nashville TN. October 2015
- “The Future of Food Studies is Intersectional.” Inaugural Address/Keynote for the Perugia Food and Sustainability Studies Conference, Umbra Institute, Perugia Italy May 2017
- The Next Portland;” cities, racialization, and food labor.” American Anthropology Association meetings, Washington DC, Fall 2017
- Home Cooking as a Social Problem: From Family Meals to Food Waste, Eastern Sociological Society conference; Philadelphia, PA March 2017
- Engaging Food as a Means of Resistance; Beyond Intersectionality: New Directions in the Sociology of Food Eastern Sociological Society conference, Philadelphia, PA March 2017
- Discussant, Territory, Local Food Production, and Resistance and Food Masculinities: Practices, Discourses, and Representations Two panels at the Association for the Study of Food and Society/Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society joint conference (ASFS/AFHVS), Pasedena, CA June 2017.
- Engaging Food as a Means of Resistance; Beyond Intersectionality: New Directions in the Sociology of Food Eastern Sociological Society conference, Philadelphia, PA March 2017
- Masculinities and kitchen practices, beyond gender Feminist Food Studies Panel 2 Association for the Study of Food and Society/Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society joint conference (ASFS/AFHVS), Toronto 2016.
- Of Meat and Men: Doing Masculinity and Critiquing the Modern Food System” Eastern Sociological Society meetings New York City March 2015.
- “Public, Private, Commercial, or Home Cooked: Boundaries and Slippage in Commensality” American Anthropological Association, Chicago, IL November 2013
- “Neighborhood, Family, and Food: Collective Memory and Ethnic-Racial Identity” paper at Eastern Sociological Society annual meeting NYC, February 2012
- “Obesity Discourses, Sustainability, and the Rhetoric of Resistance” paper at 6th Interdisciplinary and Multicultural Conference on Food and Representations University of Texas at San Antonio Feb. 25th, 2010
- Eat These Words: A Roundtable on Intellectual Work and Public Engagement organizer and moderator at Association for the Study of Food and Society/Agriculture, Food, and Human Values Society Conference Penn State University, June 2009
- Things Taste Better in Small Houses: Food, Hospitality, and Domestic Space.” Domestic Foodscapes: Towards Mindful Eating, Concordia University (co-sponsored by the Cornell University School of Hospitality). March 2008